Library project

At college we have got a brief to design end panels of book shelves in our library.We wanted to make students feel comfortable despite of low number of readers in a library. The concept is to design panels with live size students reading books.

Criteria for success in design competion

for client

1. engagement - design has to attract a client a grab his attention.

2. originality - they do not spent money for something what has been seen before.

3. be on brand - keep its style, tone, feel. 

4. 'campaingbility' - design has to be flexible to apply on other media, be integrated.

for YOU 

1. Choose the right brief - the one you share your interest with and make sure your skill are good enough to make perfect execution.

2.The right partner - complementary skills, good communications and reliability 

3. Ask the right questions -  get insight of your brief & client, brand. Do not worry about being fool. There are no stupid questions, just stupid answers.   

4. The right attitude - just do it. keep trying & experimenting. You get out what you put in.

5. The right execution - find the best way /format/ to get message across.

how to solve any creative brief

This book gives you lot of tips by using different techniques and methods with ideas generating. Many examples and explaining of their meaning and designing process.

The A-Z of Visual Ideas: How to Solve any Creative Brief

design by swiss

 Joseph Muller Brockman

This posters received a prize in the ACS (Automobil-Club de Suisse)  competition. 



Concert posters

As in all his concert posters the attempt was to find a logical connection between rhythm and geometric shapes and its space.





The creation of the exhibition poster ‘Der Film’ is the proof of achieving excellent typographic work by using a grid which has proportions which are close to the golden mean and appropriate type scale. Positioning the
word ‘Film’ in front of ‘der’ is similar to the overlapping images in cinematic technology because even from a distance the word ‘Film’ is instantly noticeable.

The Hammo, illustrations with a character

Hammo is illustrator living and working in Manchester. His illustration are just perfect. Can't believe that such a simple illustration give so much expression.




Story of Tatsumi

Japanese illustrator  Yoshihiro Tatsumi  is telling his story about his passion for drawing and making stories.